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Yields1 ServingPrep Time10 minsCook Time2 hrs 50 minsTotal Time3 hrs

Couscous is a traditional staple food in North Africa; it is also common in Western Africa.

 6 cups couscous (not "instant couscous")
 2 cups warm water, mixed with 1 tsp salt
 ½ cup olive oil, melted butter, or similar cooking oil
 chicken broth (or any North African vegetable or meat stew)

Put half the couscous in a large bowl. Sprinkle half the salted water over the couscous. Rub your hands with a bit of the oil and sprinkle the rest of the oil over the couscous. Use your hands to evenly distribute the oil and water into the couscous. Let the couscous form small pellets, but break any lumps. Add the remaining couscous and continue the process, adding more water and oil to make the couscous uniformly damp, but not wet.


Place the couscous on a clean cloth, cover it with another cloth and leave it to rest for an hour or two. (Some cooks let it rest for a much shorter time.)


Bring the chicken broth (or stew) to a very gentle boil in the bottom pot. Place the couscous in the top pot, cover, and let the couscous steam for about an hour over the simmering broth (or stew). Make sure that the steam is going up through the couscous and not escaping out the sides, especially if you are using an improvised couscous cooker.


Remove the couscous from the steamer and place it in a clean bowl. Massage some more oil or butter into it (careful not to burn your hands) and let it cool for about fifteen minutes.


Return the couscous to the steamer and let it steam for another half hour. Test for tenderness. The last two steps can be repeated.